Take Advantage of a Free Water Test from Culligan
In today’s day and age it seems like nothing of value is free, right? Learning what’s in your water at no charge does sound too good to be true. However, here’s why we have a free water analysis.
Culligan has been around since 1937 and we’ve been in Triangle communities for over 15 years. You cannot serve a community for that long unless you take care of your customers.
What’s that have to do with a free water test? Well, the reality of the situation is that it’s much cheaper for us to test your water and give you the proper equipment the first time compared to if we had to go back to correct it. The loss not only in our time and labor, but in goodwill, would far outweigh our costs involved with a water test in your home.
Every once in a while we run into some very aggressive water that requires a more thorough lab analysis. When that occurs, there will be an additional charge to cover that service but we’ll explain all of your options up-front. Your water will get sent off to Culligan’s water testing facility in Illinois where over 10,000 water samples are tested every year. Culligan will provide us with a detailed 3-page report of your water and also make available their engineering staff to make sure you are getting the best solution available.